Fanny Chevalier is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Statistics at the University of Toronto. Her research interests lie in Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization in the broad sense. More specifically, she is interested in addressing the challenges involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of novel interactive tools supporting visual analytics and creative activities, with a primary focus on an interactive visualization for the visual exploration of rich and complex data, visualization education, computing tools supporting the flow of creativity, the design and perception of animated transitions, and sketch-based interfaces. Prior to joining the University of Toronto, she was a research scientist at Inria, France. She obtained her PhD in computer science from the Université de Bordeaux, in 2007.
She has authored over 70 peer reviewed research articles, and 16 best paper and honorable mention awards at the IEEE VIS, ACM CHI, and ACM UIST conferences. She served as the Award Chair for ACM CHI 2022, and IEEE VIS 2020 Short paper, Program Chair for ACM UIST 2020, ACM ISS 2020, and Short paper Chair for IEEE VIS 2019. In 2023, she has been named Knight in the Order of the Academic Palms (Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques) by the government of France, in recognition of her significant contributions to education and culture. You can visit her webpage here.