
Thought Cloning: Teaching AI to Think Like Humans for Better Decision-Making

Recommender Systems: Where Academia Meets Industry

Vector Laptop

FairSense: Integrating Responsible AI and Sustainability



My Visiting Researcher Term at Vector Institute

Women write on a white board. There is a man to he left looking at the board.

Vector researchers presenting more than 98 papers at NeurIPS 2024

Unlocking the Potential of Prompt-Tuning in Federated Learning

New multimodal dataset will help in the development of ethical AI systems

Unveiling Alzheimer’s: How Speech and AI Can Help Detect Disease

Vector co-founder Geoffrey Hinton wins the Nobel Prize in Physics 2024

Women holding a suitcase looks out the window at a plane flying by

Empowering Air Travelers: A Chatbot for Canadian Air Passenger Rights

Vector Institute researchers reconvene for the second edition of the Machine Learning Privacy and Security Workshop

Headshot of Vector Faculty Member Wenhu Chen

Vector researcher Wenhu Chen on improving and benchmarking foundation models

Vector Researchers present papers at ACL 2024

AtomGen: Streamlining Atomistic Modeling through Dataset and Benchmark Integration

Three people stare at a laptop with a Vector logo on it

Vector researchers presented more than 50 papers at ICML 2024

BMO, TELUS, and partners use Vector AI toolkit to apply computer vision techniques in the fight against climate change

Vector researchers are presenting over a dozen papers at CVPR 2024

Vector Institute Computer Vision Workshop showcases the field’s current capabilities and future potential

Vector Faculty Member Gautam Kamath

Vector researcher Gautam Kamath breaks down the latest developments in robustness and privacy

World-leading AI Trust and Safety Experts Publish Major Paper on Managing AI Risks in the journal Science

Standardized protocols are key to the responsible deployment of language models

The known unknowns: Vector researcher Geoff Pleiss digs deep into uncertainty to make ML models more accurate

Three people stare at a laptop with a Vector logo on it

Benchmarking xAI’s Grok-1

Vector Faculty Member Frank Rudzicz welcoming participants to the workshop.

Breaking Ground: Natural language processing headlines Vector Institute’s latest workshop gathering

Two people playing chess

Vector Research Blog: Is Your Neural Network at Risk? The Pitfall of Adaptive Gradient Optimizers

Three people stare at a laptop with a Vector logo on it

Vector Research Blog: Structured Neural Networks for Density Estimation and Causal Inference

Vector Research Blog: Causal Effect Estimation Using Machine Learning

Machine learning theory takes centre stage at Vector Institute workshop


Two women typing code onto a computer

Introducing FlexModel: Breakthrough Framework for Unveiling the Secrets of Large Generative AI Models

A man holding a tablet points to a tv screen with white writing on it

Neutralizing Bias in AI: Vector Institute’s UnBIAS Framework Revolutionizes Ethical Text Analysis

Three people stare at a laptop with a Vector logo on it

Vector researchers presenting more than 65 papers at NeurIPS 2023

AI for Chemistry and Materials: blending old and new ways of thinking

Three people surrounding a laptop with a Vector Institute sticker on it

AI & public health: using natural language processing for clinical database management

ICML 2023: Developing an adaptive computation model for multidimensional generative tasks

Three people stare at a laptop with a Vector logo on it

Vector Research Blog: Large Language Models, Prompting and PEFT

Dan Roy named Vector Research Co-Director

Doctor talking to patient

Unlocking AI-powered approaches to cancer treatment and detection

People look at research posters in the Vector hallway

Vector community explores data privacy research at Machine Learning Privacy and Security Workshop

Machine Learning Meets Quantum Mechanics: Vector Workshop Showcases Groundbreaking Developments in Quantum Computing

people networking in atrium office setting

Over 20 Vector research papers accepted at CVPR 2023

Three people stare at a laptop with a Vector logo on it

Vector research featured at ICLR 2023

From left to right, Vector researchers Shai Ben-David, Franziska Boenisch, Vered Shwartz, and Sageev Oore at Vector's research symposium

AI Research Symposium highlights new Vector research


Vector researchers win top honours at NeurIPS 2022

Canada can lead in AI for Science

Vector researcher Alán Aspuru-Guzik delivers CIFAR Massey Talk

Deep Learning for Building Footprint Extraction in Aerial Imagery

Graham Taylor named Vector Research Director

Acceleration Consortium, Matter Lab, and Vector Institute collaborate on software to power self-driving labs

A poised individual with light brown hair, wearing a modern checkered shirt, stands confidently against a soft-focus office background. His demeanor reflects the innovative spirit and professionalism expected of those at the forefront of technology and research. The image captures a blend of approachable intelligence and forward-thinking ambition.

New Vector Faculty Member Jeff Clune’s quest to create open-ended AI systems

Vector research blog: Value Gradient weighted Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

New AI framework helps map and manage invasive mussel species in Canada’s lakes

Computer Vision Technical Report details insights from industry-academic collaborative project

Vector researchers recognized with awards at the 2022 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)

Research Symposium brings together Vector community to celebrate student and postdoc work

Machine Learning Robustness: New Challenges and Approaches

mobility article graphic

AI in transportation: How companies are building an autonomous future

Amateur hockey given professional viewing experience courtesy of machine vision startup co-founded by Vector researcher

AI analysis of Social Media data to help with treatment of long COVID

Using AI to Help Solve the Long COVID Puzzle

AI-enabled tool that identifies COVID-19 variants co-developed by Vector researcher Bo Wang


Technology, including AI, increasingly plays a key role in our food chain

Spotlight on Health at NeurIPS 2021 

Vector researchers presenting more than 50 papers at NeurIPS 2021

Vector researchers help institutions ensure privacy and confidentiality when sharing ML models

Vector researchers use OHDP to determine mortality predictors for long-term care residents with COVID-19

Juan photo

Vector researchers use machine learning to build better quantum computers

Machine learning model creates treatment plans for patients with prostate cancer

Talking to Machines: new ML model allows for more “expressive” communication between researchers and AI systems

Machine learning model from Vector researchers creates 3D environments without reference images

Vector Researchers showcase wide-ranging machine learning applications at CVPR 2021

Wenhu Chen, a leader in natural language processing, is Vector’s newest Faculty Member

Code Graphic

ICLR 2021: Researchers adopt teaching tricks to train neural networks like they’re students

Vector welcomes new researchers to Postgraduate Affiliate program

Richard Zemel

Vector Research Symposium showcases cutting-edge machine learning developments

Richard Zemel

Co-led by Vector Research Director Richard Zemel, ACM FAccT Conference emphasizes the importance of fairness, accountability, and transparency in AI

Vector Institute Launches Program to Help SMEs Reduce Bias in AI

A TELUS AI agent approached sustainability like a chess game


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Vector welcomes 2020 cohort of Faculty Affiliates


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Harnessing the Power of Natural Language Processing (NLP): Insights from Vector’s industry-academic collaborative project

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Vector research community preps for virtual NeurIPS 2020

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Vector researchers take leadership role at Conference on Uncertainty in AI

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Vector researcher develops fairness model that accounts for individual preferences

marzyeh Gghassemi photo

Vector researchers co-lead first ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning

auditorium photo

Vector researchers prep for ICML 2020

COVID media photo

Vector Faculty Member Marzyeh Ghassemi among those receiving CIHR COVID-19 Rapid Research Response funding

magnifying glass photo



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Vector Institute welcomes new 2020 postgraduate affiliates

CiteNet Graphic

Vector researchers release scientific paper search tool to help in fight against COVID-19

Multiple source domain diagram

Vector researcher Bo Wang develops a method for harmonizing medical data from multiple hospitals

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New neural network models offer the potential for better predictions in medicine, finance, and human genetics

Football photo

Vector researchers at McMaster use AI to uncover signs of concussions decades after injury

Microscope Photo

Machine learning for healthcare presents new challenges to reproducibility


Group Whiteboard Photo

Vector researcher Will Grathwohl wants to lower the barriers to entry to AI

Vector Logo

Machine learning platform helps enable early diagnosis of life-threatening infection in premature infants

convention photo

AI community celebrates Dr. Geoffrey Hinton at Evolution of Deep Learning Symposium

convention photo

Vector Researchers Prepare for 33rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)

Vector Logo

Vector Institute Names 29 New Faculty Affiliates

Tick Photo

Tick Identification to Combat Lyme Disease


Vector Faculty Affiliate wins top honours at CVPR 2019

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Vector Faculty take new musical style transfer model to ICLR


Researchers and professionals from coast to coast descend on Vector for first Research Symposium and Job Fair

Vector banner


Brain Graphic

Machine learning for MEG during speech tasks


Group infront of whiteboard

Vector Researchers Win Top Honours at NeurIPS 2018

Vector Logo

Vector Institute Grows Faculty Across Canada

Deep Learning Banner

2018 Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School

Vector and Fields Logo

2018-2019 Machine Learning Advances and Applications Seminar


NVIDIA opening AI lab in Toronto led by Vector Faculty Member, Sanja Fidler


Vector Institute Introduces Faculty Affiliates

Vector Office

Vector Institute Heads to ICLR

Alan Aspuru

Mission to Revolutionize Modern-Day Chemistry Labs Leads Vector’s Newest Faculty Member to Canada

Person headshot

Cross-Country Career in Reinforcement Learning Leads Amir-massoud Farahmand to Vector Institute in Toronto

Vector Institute Launches Inaugural Postgraduate Affiliate Program

News Release: Vector Institute Doubles Team of World-Class AI Faculty

Latest Vector research

Vered Shwartz presenting

Published research

In dozens of timely, globally relevant, and impactful projects and work themes, these researchers are unlocking new ways to apply AI to drive better economic, health, and societal outcomes.

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