Vector Researchers showcase wide-ranging machine learning applications at CVPR 2021

June 14, 2021

2021 Case Study Generative AI Insights Machine Learning Research Research 2021 Trustworthy AI

By Ian Gormely

June 14, 2021

Vector researchers are once again preparing for a busy Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, which will be held virtually from June 19 to 25. The work being presented by Vector researchers at this year’s conference showcases the wide-ranging applications of machine learning in fields including health, security, and even the beauty industry. 

In LOHO: Latent Optimization of Hairstyles via Orthogonalization,” Vector Faculty Member Graham Taylor, Vector Faculty Affiliate Florian Shkurti and their team used a generative model to alter a photo and show what someone would look like with a different hairstyle or colour. The paper, a collaboration with Toronto-based beauty-tech company Modiface, repurposed a trained StyleGANv2 model to naturally change a person’s look without having to actually make physical changes.

On the other end of the spectrum is “Data-Free Model Extraction,” in which Vector Faculty Member Nicolas Papernot and his team show how someone can steal a machine learning model whose predictions are the only aspect exposed to the public. While machine learning APIs (where the compute is done on the model owner’s end) are vulnerable to such attacks, applications where predictions are performed on a user’s device, like an app on a smartphone, are particularly vulnerable, even without any knowledge of the data used to train it. The researchers offered a potential defense to this sort of cyberattack in another paper, Dataset Inference: Ownership Resolution in Machine Learning” which was presented at ICLR earlier this year.

Below are abstracts and simplified summaries for many of the accepted papers co-authored by Vector Faculty Members. 


AdvSim: Generating Safety-Critical Scenarios for Self-Driving Vehicles
Jingkang Wang, Ava Pun, James Tu, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Abbas Sadat, Sergio Casas, Mengye Ren, Raquel Urtasun

As self-driving systems become better, simulating scenarios where the autonomy stack may fail becomes more important. Traditionally, those scenarios are generated for a few scenes with respect to the planning module that takes ground-truth actor states as input. This does not scale and cannot identify all possible autonomy failures, such as perception failures due to occlusion. In this paper, we propose AdvSim, an adversarial framework to generate safety-critical scenarios for any LiDAR-based autonomy system. Given an initial traffic scenario, AdvSim modifies the actors’ trajectories in a physically plausible manner and updates the LiDAR sensor data to match the perturbed world. Importantly, by simulating directly from sensor data, we obtain adversarial scenarios that are safety-critical for the full autonomy stack. Our experiments show that our approach is general and can identify thousands of semantically meaningful safety-critical scenarios for a wide range of modern self-driving systems. Furthermore, we show that the robustness and safety of these systems can be further improved by training them with scenarios generated by AdvSim.

Data-Free Model Extraction
Jean-Baptiste Truong, Pratyush Maini, Robert J. Walls, Nicolas Papernot

Feeling safe from model stealing because your ML model solves a niche task, and no relevant data is publicly available? In our latest work on “Data-Free Model Extraction” we show that adversaries can steal your model with ZERO knowledge of your training data, in a black-box setting where you only expose model predictions to the public. We use a synthetic data generator that maximizes the disparity in the predictions of the victim and the stolen copy (L1 loss) via weak gradient approximation using forward differences. While our work does pose a threat to MLaaS, it poses a bigger threat to on-device ML systems — where attackers can typically make an unrestricted number of queries at no additional cost.

DatasetGAN: Efficient Labeled Data Factory With Minimal Human Effort
Yuxuan Zhang, Huan Ling, Jun Gao, Kangxue Yin, Jean-Francois Lafleche, Adela Barriuso, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler

We introduce DatasetGAN: an automatic procedure to generate massive datasets of high-quality semantically segmented images requiring minimal human effort. Current deep networks are extremely data-hungry, benefiting from training on large-scale datasets, which are time consuming to annotate. Our method relies on the power of recent GANs to generate realistic images. We show how the GAN latent code can be decoded to produce a semantic segmentation of the image. Training the decoder only needs a few labeled examples to generalize to the rest of the latent space, resulting in an infinite annotated dataset generator! These generated datasets can then be used for training any computer vision architecture just as real datasets are. As only a few images need to be manually segmented, it becomes possible to annotate images in extreme detail and generate datasets with rich object and part segmentations. To showcase the power of our approach, we generated datasets for 7 image segmentation tasks which include pixel-level labels for 34 human face parts, and 32 car parts. Our approach outperforms all semi-supervised baselines significantly and is on par with fully supervised methods, which in some cases require as much as 100x more annotated data as our method.

Deep Multi-Task Learning for Joint Localization, Perception, and Prediction
John Phillips, Julieta Martinez, Ioan Andrei Bârsan, Sergio Casas, Abbas Sadat, Raquel Urtasun

Over the last few years, we have witnessed tremendous progress on many subtasks of autonomous driving, including perception, motion forecasting, and motion planning. However, these systems often assume that the car is accurately localized against a high-definition map. In this paper we question this assumption, and investigate the issues that arise in state-of-the-art autonomy stacks under localization error. Based on our observations, we design a system that jointly performs perception, prediction, and localization. Our architecture is able to reuse computation between both tasks, and is thus able to correct localization errors efficiently. We show experiments on a large-scale autonomy dataset, demonstrating the efficiency and accuracy of our proposed approach.

DriveGAN: Towards a Controllable High-Quality Neural Simulation
Seung Wook Kim, Jonah Philion, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler

Realistic simulators are critical for training and verifying robotics systems. While most of the contemporary simulators are hand-crafted, a scaleable way to build simulators is to use machine learning to learn how the environment behaves in response to an action, directly from data. In this work, we aim to learn to simulate a dynamic environment directly in pixel-space, by watching unannotated sequences of frames and their associated action pairs. We introduce a novel high-quality neural simulator referred to as DriveGAN that achieves controllability by disentangling different components without supervision. In addition to steering controls, it also includes controls for sampling features of a scene, such as the weather as well as the location of non-player objects. Since DriveGAN is a fully differentiable simulator, it further allows for re-simulation of a given video sequence, offering an agent to drive through a recorded scene again, possibly taking different actions. We train DriveGAN on multiple datasets, including 160 hours of real-world driving data. We showcase that our approach greatly surpasses the performance of previous data-driven simulators, and allows for new features not explored before.

Energy-based Learning for Scene Graph Generation
Mohammed Suhail, Abhay Mittal, Behjat Siddiquie, Chris Broaddus, Jayan Eledath, Gerard Medioni, Leonid Sigal

Understanding scene content from an image is fundamental to many autonomous tasks. Current works address this by producing graph representations with nodes corresponding to object instances (e.g., “person”, “car”) and edges to functional/constituent relations (e.g.,“driving”). The issue is that such methods are only designed to consider how well predictions are made for each object or relation individually. This leads to scene representations that are often inconsistent (e.g., same person driving and walking). We propose a general method that can learn how to holistically assess graph representations and produce more accurate and self-consistent scene interpretations.  

GeoSim: Realistic Video Simulation via Geometry-Aware Composition for Self-Driving
Yun Chen, Frieda Rong, Shivam Duggal, Shenlong Wang, Xinchen Yan, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Shangjie Xue, Ersin Yumer, Raquel Urtasun

Scalable sensor simulation is an important yet challenging open problem for safety-critical domains such as self-driving. Current works in image simulation either fail to be photorealistic or do not model the 3D environment and the dynamic objects within, losing high-level control and physical realism. In this paper, we present GeoSim, a geometry-aware image composition process which synthesizes novel urban driving scenarios by augmenting existing images with dynamic objects extracted from other scenes and rendered at novel poses. Towards this goal, we first build a diverse bank of 3D objects with both realistic geometry and appearance from sensor data. During simulation, we perform a novel geometry-aware simulation-by-composition procedure which 1) proposes plausible and realistic object placements into a given scene, 2) render novel views of dynamic objects from the asset bank, and 3) composes and blends the rendered image segments. The resulting synthetic images are realistic, traffic-aware, and geometrically consistent, allowing our approach to scale to complex use cases. We demonstrate two such important applications: long-range realistic video simulation across multiple camera sensors, and synthetic data generation for data augmentation on downstream segmentation tasks. Please check for high-resolution video results.

LOHO: Latent Optimization of Hairstyles via Orthogonalization
Rohit Saha, Brendan Duke, Florian Shkurti, Graham W. Taylor, Parham Aarabi

Have you ever wondered how you would look with a new hairstyle, before going to the hair salon? With our method, LOHO, you don’t have to imagine — LOHO uses reverse generative adversarial networks (GANs) to synthesize a photo of you with your new haircut. LOHO is an optimization-based approach that inverts a trained StyleGANv2 model to transfer hair appearance and style from reference hairstyles like those of your favourite celebrity or influencer. Using LOHO for latent space manipulation, users can synthesize novel photorealistic images by manipulating hair attributes either individually or jointly. This work is a collaboration between Toronto-based industry (ModiFace, a L’Oréal subsidiary) and Vector faculty and students.

Monocular 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks
Yu Cheng, Bo Wang, Bo Yang, Robby T. Tan

In monocular video 3D multi-person pose estimation, inter-person occlusion and close interactions can cause human detection to be erroneous and human-joints grouping to be unreliable. Existing top-down methods rely on human detection and thus suffer from these problems. Existing bottom-up methods do not use human detection, but they process all persons at once at the same scale, causing them to be sensitive to multiple-persons scale variations. To address these challenges, we propose the integration of top-down and bottom-up approaches to exploit their strengths. Our top-down network estimates human joints from all persons instead of one in an image patch, making it robust to possible erroneous bounding boxes. Our bottom-up network incorporates human-detection based normalized heatmaps, allowing the network to be more robust in handling scale variations. Finally, the estimated 3D poses from the top-down and bottom-up networks are fed into our integration network for final 3D poses. Besides the integration of top-down and bottom-up networks, unlike existing pose discriminators that are designed solely for single person, and consequently cannot assess natural inter-person interactions, we propose a two-person pose discriminator that enforces natural two-person interactions. Lastly, we also apply a semi-supervised method to overcome the 3D ground-truth data scarcity. Our quantitative and qualitative evaluations show the effectiveness of our method compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.

MP3: A Unified Model To Map, Perceive, Predict and Plan
Sergio Casas, Abbas Sadat, Raquel Urtasun

High-definition maps (HD maps) are a key component of most modern self-driving systems due to their valuable semantic and geometric information. Unfortunately, building HD maps has proven hard to scale due to their cost as well as the requirements they impose in the localization system that has to work everywhere with centimeter-level accuracy. Being able to drive without an HD map would be very beneficial to scale self-driving solutions as well as to increase the failure tolerance of existing ones (e.g., if localization fails or the map is not up-to-date). Towards this goal, we propose MP3, an end-to-end approach to mapless driving where the input is raw sensor data and a high-level command (e.g., turn left at the intersection). MP3 predicts intermediate representations in the form of an online map and the current and future state of dynamic agents, and exploits them in a novel neural motion planner to make interpretable decisions taking into account uncertainty. We show that our approach is significantly safer, more comfortable, and can follow commands better than the baselines in challenging long-term closed-loop simulations, as well as when compared to an expert driver in a large-scale real-world dataset.

Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-Time Rendering With Implicit 3D Shapes
Towaki Takikawa, Joey Litalien, Kangxue Yin, Karsten Kreis, Charles Loop, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Alec Jacobson, Morgan McGuire, Sanja Fidler

Neural signed distance functions (SDFs) are emerging as an effective representation for 3D shapes. State-of-the-art methods typically encode the SDF with a large, fixed-size neural network to approximate complex shapes with implicit surfaces. Rendering with these large networks is, however, computationally expensive since it requires many forward passes through the network for every pixel, making these representations impractical for real-time graphics. We introduce an efficient neural representation that, for the first time, enables real-time rendering of high-fidelity neural SDFs, while achieving state-of-the-art geometry reconstruction quality. We represent implicit surfaces using an octree-based feature volume which adaptively fits shapes with multiple discrete levels of detail (LODs), and enables continuous LOD with SDF interpolation. We further develop an efficient algorithm to directly render our novel neural SDF representation in real-time by querying only the necessary LODs with sparse octree traversal. We show that our representation is 2-3 orders of magnitude more efficient in terms of rendering speed compared to previous works. Furthermore, it produces state-of-the-art reconstruction quality for complex shapes under both 3D geometric and 2D image-space metrics.

Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions With Invertible Neural Networks
Despoina Paschalidou, Angelos Katharopoulos, Andreas Geiger, Sanja Fidler

Impressive progress in 3D shape extraction led to representations that can capture object geometries with high fidelity. In parallel, primitive-based methods seek to represent objects as semantically consistent part arrangements. However, due to the simplicity of existing primitive representations, these methods fail to accurately reconstruct 3D shapes using a small number of primitives/parts. We address the trade-off between reconstruction quality and number of parts with Neural Parts, a novel 3D primitive representation that defines primitives using an Invertible Neural Network (INN) which implements homeomorphic mappings between a sphere and the target object. The INN allows us to compute the inverse mapping of the homeomorphism, which in turn, enables the efficient computation of both the implicit surface function of a primitive and its mesh, without any additional post-processing. Our model learns to parse 3D objects into semantically consistent part arrangements without any part-level supervision. Evaluations on ShapeNet, D-FAUST and FreiHAND demonstrate that our primitives can capture complex geometries and thus simultaneously achieve geometrically accurate as well as interpretable reconstructions using an order of magnitude fewer primitives than state-of-the-art shape abstraction methods.

Permute, Quantize, and Fine-Tune: Efficient Compression of Neural Networks
Julieta Martinez, Jashan Shewakramani, Ting Wei Liu, Ioan Andrei Bârsan, Wenyuan Zeng, Raquel Urtasun

Compressing large neural networks is an important step for their deployment in resource-constrained computational platforms. In this context, vector quantization is an appealing framework that expresses multiple parameters using a single code, and has recently achieved state-of-the-art network compression on a range of core vision and natural language processing tasks. Key to the success of vector quantization is deciding which parameter groups should be compressed together. Previous work has relied on heuristics that group the spatial dimension of individual convolutional filters, but a general solution remains unaddressed. This is desirable for pointwise convolutions (which dominate modern architectures), linear layers (which have no notion of spatial dimension), and convolutions (when more than one filter is compressed to the same codeword). In this paper we make the observation that the weights of two adjacent layers can be permuted while expressing the same function. We then establish a connection to rate-distortion theory and search for permutations that result in networks that are easier to compress. Finally, we rely on an annealed quantization algorithm to better compress the network and achieve higher final accuracy. We show results on image classification, object detection, and segmentation, reducing the gap with the uncompressed model by 40 to 70% with respect to the current state of the art.

S3: Neural Shape, Skeleton, and Skinning Fields for 3D Human Modeling
Ze Yang, Shenlong Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Zeng Huang, Wei-Chiu Ma, Xinchen Yan, Ersin Yumer, Raquel Urtasun

Constructing and animating humans is an important component for building virtual worlds in a wide variety of applications such as virtual reality or robotics testing in simulation. As there are exponentially many variations of humans with different shape, pose and clothing, it is critical to develop methods that can automatically reconstruct and animate humans at scale from real world data. Towards this goal, we represent the pedestrian’s shape, pose and skinning weights as neural implicit functions that are directly learned from data. This representation enables us to handle a wide variety of different pedestrian shapes and poses without explicitly fitting a human parametric body model, allowing us to handle a wider range of human geometries and topologies. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on various datasets and show that our reconstructions outperform existing state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, our re-animation experiments show that we can generate 3D human animations at scale from a single RGB image (and/or an optional LiDAR sweep) as input.

Saliency-Guided Image Translation
Lai Jiang, Xiaofei Wang, Mai Xu, Leonid. Sigal

Generating images is one of the fundamental tasks in vision. We propose a new form of this task where the goal is to produce a minimally altered variant of an existing image in which a human eye is drawn to only specific, user controlled, region(s). Consider taking a photo of a person outdoors. In addition to the person, the image may contain other background or foreground objects (e.g., cars, motorcycles) that distract attention of the viewer. The proposed approach, given an input that specifies that a person should be a focal object, would learn various image manipulation strategies  (e.g. removal, blurring, color fading) to make the remaining destructive regions less distinctive.

SceneGen: Learning To Generate Realistic Traffic Scenes
Shuhan Tan, Kelvin Wong, Shenlong Wang, Sivabalan Manivasagam, Mengye Ren, Raquel Urtasun

We consider the problem of generating realistic traffic scenes automatically. Existing methods typically insert actors into the scene according to a set of hand-crafted heuristics and are limited in their ability to model the true complexity and diversity of real traffic scenes, thus inducing a content gap between synthesized traffic scenes versus real ones. As a result, existing simulators lack the fidelity necessary to train and test self-driving vehicles. To address this limitation, we present SceneGen, a neural autoregressive model of traffic scenes that eschews the need for rules and heuristics. In particular, given the ego-vehicle state and a high definition map of surrounding area, SceneGen inserts actors of various classes into the scene and synthesizes their sizes, orientations, and velocities. We demonstrate on two large-scale datasets SceneGen’s ability to faithfully model distributions of real traffic scenes. Moreover, we show that SceneGen coupled with sensor simulation can be used to train perception models that generalize to the real world.

Self-Supervised Simultaneous Multi-Step Prediction of Road Dynamics and Cost Map
Elmira Amirloo, Mohsen Rohani, Ershad Banijamali, Jun Luo, Pascal Poupart

While supervised learning is widely used for perception modules in conventional autonomous driving solutions, scalability is hindered by the huge amount of data labeling needed. In contrast, while end-to-end architectures do not require labeled data and are potentially more scalable, interpretability is sacrificed. We introduce a novel architecture that is trained in a fully self-supervised fashion for simultaneous multi-step prediction of space-time cost map and road dynamics.

Semantic Segmentation With Generative Models: Semi-Supervised Learning and Strong Out-of-Domain Generalization
Daiqing Li, Junlin Yang, Karsten Kreis, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler

Training deep networks with limited labeled data while achieving a strong generalization ability is key in the quest to reduce human annotation efforts. This is the goal of semi-supervised learning, which exploits more widely available unlabeled data to complement small labeled data sets. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for discriminative pixel-level tasks using a generative model of both images and labels. Concretely, we learn a generative adversarial network that captures the joint image-label distribution and is trained efficiently using a large set of unlabeled images supplemented with only few labeled ones. We build our architecture on top of StyleGAN2, augmented with a label synthesis branch. Image labeling at test time is achieved by first embedding the target image into the joint latent space via an encoder network and test-time optimization, and then generating the label from the inferred embedding. We evaluate our approach in two important domains: medical image segmentation and part-based face segmentation. We demonstrate strong in-domain performance compared to several baselines, and are the first to showcase extreme out-of-domain generalization, such as transferring from CT to MRI in medical imaging, and photographs of real faces to paintings, sculptures, and even cartoons and animal faces. Project Page.

SSTVOS: Sparse Spatiotemporal Transformers for Video Object Segmentation
Brendan Duke, Abdalla Ahmed, Christian Wolf, Parham Aarabi, Graham W. Taylor

How can a machine learning algorithm track objects through space and time? SSTVOS can trace each object in a scene forward and backward through time by predicting a silhouette of each object called a “mask”. These masks are useful in applications such as rotoscoping for visual effects in feature films, video summarization, and HD video compression. SSTVOS inspects each pixel in a video and searches the rest of the video for similar pixels using a process called “attention”. Attention produces a set of scores that indicate how similar each pixel is to other pixels in the video. SSTVOS then aggregates the resulting attention scores to predict each object’s motion through time. This work is an international collaboration between Canadian (Vector Institute, University of Guelph) and French (National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon) researchers and an industry partner ModiFace (a L’Oréal subsidiary).

Towards Good Practices for Efficiently Annotating Large-Scale Image Classification Datasets
Yuan-Hong Liao, Amlan Kar, Sanja Fidler

Data is the engine of modern computer vision, which necessitates collecting large-scale datasets. This is expensive, and guaranteeing the quality of the labels is a major challenge. In this paper, we investigate efficient annotation strategies for collecting multi-class classification labels for a large collection of images. While methods that exploit learnt models for labeling exist, a surprisingly prevalent approach is to query humans for a fixed number of labels per datum and aggregate them, which is expensive. Building on prior work on online joint probabilistic modeling of human annotations and machine-generated beliefs, we propose modifications and best practices aimed at minimizing human labeling effort. Specifically, we make use of advances in self-supervised learning, view annotation as a semi-supervised learning problem, identify and mitigate pitfalls and ablate several key design choices to propose effective guidelines for labeling. Our analysis is done in a more realistic simulation that involves querying human labelers, which uncovers issues with evaluation using existing worker simulation methods. Simulated experiments on a 125k image subset of the ImageNet100 show that it can be annotated to 80% top-1 accuracy with 0.35 annotations per image on average, a 2.7x and 6.7x improvement over prior work and manual annotation, respectively. Project page: this https URL

Towards Robust Classification Model by Counterfactual and Invariant Data Generation
Chun-Hao Chang, George Alexandru Adam, Anna Goldenberg

What makes an image be labeled as a cat? What makes a doctor think there is a tumor in a CT scan? These questions are inherently causal, but typical machine learning (ML) models rely on associations rather than causation. Because of this, we see issues such as fairness, lack of robustness, and discrimination happening across many machine learning fields. In this paper, we incorporated human causal knowledge into the ML models, and show our models still have high accuracy when the environment changes. This is crucial for models to transfer across different environments e.g. different hospital sites in medical applications.

TrafficSim: Learning To Simulate Realistic Multi-Agent Behaviors
Simon Suo, Sebastian Regalado, Sergio Casas, Raquel Urtasun

Simulation has the potential to massively scale evaluation of self-driving systems enabling rapid development as well as safe deployment. To close the gap between simulation and the real world, we need to simulate realistic multi-agent behaviors. Existing simulation environments rely on heuristic-based models that directly encode traffic rules, which cannot capture irregular maneuvers (e.g., nudging, U-turns) and complex interactions (e.g., yielding, merging). In contrast, we leverage real-world data to learn directly from human demonstration and thus capture a more diverse set of actor behaviors. To this end, we propose TrafficSim, a multi-agent behavior model for realistic traffic simulation. In particular, we leverage an implicit latent variable model to parameterize a joint actor policy that generates socially-consistent plans for all actors in the scene jointly. To learn a robust policy amenable for long horizon simulation, we unroll the policy in training and optimize through the fully differentiable simulation across time. Our learning objective incorporates both human demonstrations as well as common sense. We show TrafficSim generates significantly more realistic and diverse traffic scenarios as compared to a diverse set of baselines. Notably, we can exploit trajectories generated by TrafficSim as effective data augmentation for training better motion planner.

UniT: Unified Knowledge Transfer for Any-shot Object Detection and Segmentation
Siddhesh Khandelwal, Raghav Goyal, Leonid Sigal

Identifying objects in an image often requires access to abundant labeled data, which is time-consuming and costly to obtain. Detecting and segmenting objects with little to no labeled images is therefore desirable. We developed an intuitive approach that transfers knowledge from objects with abundant labeled data to objects that are scarcely labeled. This is done by leveraging the linguistic and visual similarities between these object types. As an example, if the object “bird” is scarcely labeled, it is detected by using a neural networks ability to identify the abundantly labeled objects “cat” (linguistically similar; animals) and “aeroplane” (visually similar).


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