Hassan Ashtiani Headshot

Hassan Ashtiani

Faculty Affiliate

Assistant Professor, Department of Computing and Software, Faculty of Engineering, McMaster University

Hassan Ashtiani is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing and Software at McMaster University, and a Faculty Affiliate of the Vector Institute. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2018 from University of Waterloo where he was advised by Shai Ben-David. Before that, he received his Master’s Degree in AI and Robotics and his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, both from University of Tehran. Broadly speaking, a major theme in his research is the design and analysis of sample-efficient learning algorithms. In recent years, he has focused on studying sample-efficient learning methods that are robust to (i) model misspecification, (ii) distribution shift, (iii) adversarial attacks, and/or (iv) privacy-related attacks.

Research Interests

  • Statistical learning theory
  • Machine learning
  • Privacy, anonymity, and/or security


  • Best paper award at Neurips 2018