Parvin Mousavi is a Professor of Computer Science, Medicine, Pathology and Biomedical and Molecular Sciences at Queen’s University, and a member of the Royal Society of Canada, College of New Scholars. She received her PhD from the University of British Columbia, Canada and her MSc from Imperial College, UK. She has previously held a Senior Scientist position at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and visiting professorships at Harvard Medical School and the University of British Columbia. Her research focus is on developing and leveraging machine learning in computer assisted medical interventions and precision medicine, contributing to the societal impact of AI on the global community. She also leads training of the next generation of AI talent through a multi-institutional NSERC CREATE Training program in Medical Informatics at the intersection of machine learning and digital health.
Professor, Faculty of Arts and Science, School of Computing, Queen’s University
Canada CIFAR Artificial Intelligence Chair
Research Interests
- Machine Learning in Computer Assisted Diagnosis and Interventions
- Image-Guided Interventions
- Ultrasound Imaging
- Medical Image Computing
- Computational Biology
- Bioinformatics
- Systems Biology
- Member of the Royal Society of Canada – College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
- Fellow, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions, 2021
- IEEE Canada C.C. Gotlieb Computer Medal, 2019
- Creative Destruction Laboratory Ideas Award, 2018
- Scientific Advisory Board, the German National Center for Tumor Disease, 2023-28
- Review Board, Imaging and Radio-oncology, the German Cancer Research Center, 2023
- Advisory Board, National Center for Image Guided Therapy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 2021-
- G7 Academy of Sciences – Representative of Royal Society of Canada on AI, 2018-2019
- Co-Founder and Executive Committee, Women in MICCAI (WI-MICCAI)
- Program co-Chair Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI) 2023
- Program co-Chair, Data Science and Learning Workshop, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2022
- Steering Committee and Board, Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions, IPCAI 2020-
- Associate Editor, IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2021.
- General Chair, Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions, IPCAI, 2017-2020
- Program co-Chair, Data Science and Learning Workshop, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2021
- General Chair, Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions, IPCAI, 2017-2020
- Sponsorships and Industry Relations Chair, MICCAI 2020
Multi-catheter modelling in reconstructed 3D transrectal ultrasound images from prostate brachytherapy
A user-driven machine learning approach for RNA-based sample discrimination and hierarchical classification
Molecular characterization of human peripheral nerves using desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging
Manifold DivideMix: A Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Severe Label Noise
A Review of Low-cost Ultrasound Compatible Phantoms
Cautery tool state detection using deep learning on intraoperative surgery videos
Cautery trajectory analysis for evaluation of resection margins in breast-conserving surgery
Self-supervised learning and uncertainty estimation for surgical margin detection
Navigated surgical resection cavity inspection for breast conserving surgery
ViPRE: an open-source software implementation for end-to-end analysis of mass spectrometry data
Determining the time-delay of a mass spectrometry-based tissue sensor
Tracked tissue sensing for tumor bed inspection
Percutaneous nephrostomy needle guidance using real-time 3D anatomical visualization with live ultrasound segmentation
Benchmarking image transformers for prostate cancer detection from ultrasound data
Development of a Research Testbed for Intraoperative Optical Spectroscopy Tumor Margin Assessment
A clinical application of SlicerROS2: Virtual fixture guidance in breast conserving surgery