Sanja Fidler

Faculty Member

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

Canada CIFAR Artificial Intelligence Chair

Sanja Fidler is an Associate Professor at University of Toronto, affiliated faculty at the Vector Institute (and was one of the co-founding members) and VP of AI Research at NVIDIA, leading a research lab in Toronto. Prior coming to Toronto, in 2012/2013, she was a Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, an academic institute located in the campus of University of Chicago.

Research Interests

Sanja’s main research interests are in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. She is also interested in the interplay between language and vision.

  • Intersection Computer Vision & Graphics
  • 3D Vision
  • 3D Reconstruction & Synthesis
  • Interactive Methods for Image Annotation


  • Innovation Award (University of Toronto), 2021
  • Connaught Innovation Award, 2020
  • Early Researcher Award, 2019
  • Best paper honorable mention at CVPR’17
  • Connaught New Researcher Award, 2018
  • Amazon Academic Research Award, 2017
  • NVIDIA Pioneer of AI Award, 2016
  • Facebook Faculty Award, 2016
  • Outstanding reviewer award at ECCV’08, ECCV’12, CVPR’12, CVPR’15
  • Professor of the Year, 2014/2015, awarded by the UofT’s Computer Science Student Union
  • Best Teaching Assistant, 2007, awarded by University of Ljubljana’s Computer Science Student Union


f-Domain Adversarial Learning: Theory and Algorithms

David Acuna and Guojun Zhang and Marc T Law and Sanja Fidler


EditGAN: High-Precision Semantic Image Editing

Huan Ling and Karsten Kreis and Daiqing Li and Seung Wook Kim and Antonio Torralba and Sanja Fidler


Image-level or object-level? a tale of two resampling strategies for long-tailed detection

Nadine Chang and Zhiding Yu and Yu-Xiong Wang and Animashree Anandkumar and Sanja Fidler and Jose M Alvarez


Deep Marching Tetrahedra: a Hybrid Representation for High-Resolution 3D Shape Synthesis

Tianchang Shen and Jun Gao and Kangxue Yin and Ming-Yu Liu and Sanja Fidler


ATISS: Autoregressive Transformers for Indoor Scene Synthesis

Despoina Paschalidou and Amlan Kar and Maria Shugrina and Karsten Kreis and Andreas Geiger and Sanja Fidler


DIB-R++: Learning to Predict Lighting and Material with a Hybrid Differentiable Renderer

Wenzheng Chen and Joey Litalien and Jun Gao and Zian Wang and Clement Fuji Tsang and Sameh Khamis and Or Litany and Sanja Fidler


Labeling images using a neural network

Daiqing Li and Sanja Fidler


Generating labels for synthetic images using one or more neural networks

Yuxuan Zhang and Huan Ling and Jun Gao and Wenzheng Chen and Antonio Torralba Barriuso and Sanja Fidler


Object image completion

Sanja Fidler and David Acuna Marrero and Seung Wook Kim and Karsten Julian Kreis and Huan Ling


System and method for generation of an interactive color workspace

Maria Shugrina and Wenjia Zhang and Fanny Chevalier and Sanja Fidler and Karan Singh


Image generation using one or more neural networks

Jonah Philion and Sanja Fidler


Environment generation using one or more neural networks

Seung Wook Kim and Sanja Fidler and Jonah Philion and Antonio Torralba Barriuso


Scalable Neural Data Server: A Data Recommender for Transfer Learning

Tianshi Cao and Sasha Alexandre Doubov and David Acuna and Sanja Fidler


Towards Optimal Strategies for Training Self-Driving Perception Models in Simulation

David Acuna and Jonah Philion and Sanja Fidler


Method and system for color representation generation

Maria Shugrina and Amlan Kar and Sanja Fidler and Karan Singh


Neural rendering for inverse graphics generation

Wenzheng Chen and Yuxuan Zhang and Sanja Fidler and Huan Ling and Jun Gao and Antonio Torralba Barriuso


Unsupervised learning of scene structure for synthetic data generation

Jeevan Devaranjan and Sanja Fidler and Amlan Kar


Systems, devices and methods for transfer learning with a mixture of experts model

Sanja Fidler and David Jesus Acuna Marrero and Xi Yan


Don’t Generate Me: Training Differentially Private Generative Models with Sinkhorn Divergence

Tianshi Cao and Alex Bie and Arash Vahdat and Sanja Fidler and Karsten Kreis


Neural network motion controller

Tingwu Wang and Yun Rong Guo and Maria Shugrina and Sanja Fidler


Causal Scene BERT: Improving object detection by searching for challenging groups

Cinjon Resnick and Or Litany and Amlan Kar and Karsten Kreis and James Lucas and Kyunghyun Cho and Sanja Fidler


Align your latents: High-resolution video synthesis with latent diffusion models

Andreas Blattmann and Robin Rombach and Huan Ling and Tim Dockhorn and Seung Wook Kim and Sanja Fidler and Karsten Kreis


Voxformer: Sparse voxel transformer for camera-based 3d semantic scene completion

Yiming Li and Zhiding Yu and Christopher Choy and Chaowei Xiao and Jose M Alvarez and Sanja Fidler and Chen Feng and Anima Anandkumar


Trace and pace: Controllable pedestrian animation via guided trajectory diffusion

Davis Rempe and Zhengyi Luo and Xue Bin Peng and Ye Yuan and Kris Kitani and Karsten Kreis and Sanja Fidler and Or Litany


Neural fields meet explicit geometric representations for inverse rendering of urban scenes

Zian Wang and Tianchang Shen and Jun Gao and Shengyu Huang and Jacob Munkberg and Jon Hasselgren and Zan Gojcic and Wenzheng Chen and Sanja Fidler


Texfusion: Synthesizing 3d textures with text-guided image diffusion models

Tianshi Cao and Karsten Kreis and Sanja Fidler and Nicholas Sharp and Kangxue Yin


Neuralfield-ldm: Scene generation with hierarchical latent diffusion models

Seung Wook Kim and Bradley Brown and Kangxue Yin and Karsten Kreis and Katja Schwarz and Daiqing Li and Robin Rombach and Antonio Torralba and Sanja Fidler


Learning physically simulated tennis skills from broadcast videos

Y Yuan and Viktor Makoviychuk and Y Guo and S Fidler and XB Peng and K Fatahalian


Neural kernel surface reconstruction

Jiahui Huang and Zan Gojcic and Matan Atzmon and Or Litany and Sanja Fidler and Francis Williams


Neural lidar fields for novel view synthesis

Shengyu Huang and Zan Gojcic and Zian Wang and Francis Williams and Yoni Kasten and Sanja Fidler and Konrad Schindler and Or Litany


Learning human dynamics in autonomous driving scenarios

Jingbo Wang and Ye Yuan and Zhengyi Luo and Kevin Xie and Dahua Lin and Umar Iqbal and Sanja Fidler and Sameh Khamis


Dreamteacher: Pretraining image backbones with deep generative models

Daiqing Li and Huan Ling and Amlan Kar and David Acuna and Seung Wook Kim and Karsten Kreis and Antonio Torralba and Sanja Fidler


End-to-end 3D Tracking with Decoupled Queries

Yanwei Li and Zhiding Yu and Jonah Philion and Anima Anandkumar and Sanja Fidler and Jiaya Jia and Jose Alvarez


Towards Viewpoint Robustness in Bird’s Eye View Segmentation

Tzofi Klinghoffer and Jonah Philion and Wenzheng Chen and Or Litany and Zan Gojcic and Jungseock Joo and Ramesh Raskar and Sanja Fidler and Jose M Alvarez


Emerging Pixel-level Semantic Knowledge in Diffusion Models

Koichi Namekata and Amirmojtaba Sabour and Sanja Fidler and Seung Wook Kim