Vered Shwartz

Faculty Member

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia

Canada CIFAR Artificial Intelligence Chair

Vered Shwartz is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests include commonsense reasoning, computational semantics and pragmatics, and multiword expressions. Previously, Vered was a postdoctoral researcher at the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) and the University of Washington and received her PhD in Computer Science from Bar-Ilan University.

Research Interests

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Commonsense Reasoning
  • Semantics & Pragmatics
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Natural Language Generation
  • Machine Learning
  • Representation Learning
  • Neurosymbolic Methods


Clever hans or neural theory of mind? stress testing social reasoning in large language models

Natalie Shapira and Mosh Levy and Seyed Hossein Alavi and Xuhui Zhou and Yejin Choi and Yoav Goldberg and Maarten Sap and Vered Shwartz


Memecap: A dataset for captioning and interpreting memes

EunJeong Hwang and Vered Shwartz


What happens before and after: Multi-event commonsense in event coreference resolution

Sahithya Ravi and Chris Tanner and Raymond Ng and Vered Shwartz


Comet-m: Reasoning about multiple events in complex sentences

Sahithya Ravi and Raymond Ng and Vered Shwartz


From chocolate bunny to chocolate crocodile: Do Language Models Understand Noun Compounds?

Jordan Coil and Vered Shwartz


Knowledge Graph Compression Enhances Diverse Commonsense Generation

EunJeong Hwang and Veronika Thost and Vered Shwartz and Tengfei Ma


CASE: Commonsense-Augmented Score with an Expanded Answer Space

Wenkai Chen and Sahithya Ravi and Vered Shwartz


GD-COMET: A Geo-Diverse Commonsense Inference Model

Mehar Bhatia and Vered Shwartz


Stance Reasoner: Zero-Shot Stance Detection on Social Media with Explicit Reasoning

Maksym Taranukhin and Vered Shwartz and Evangelos Milios


Automatic Evaluation of Generative Models with Instruction Tuning

Shuhaib Mehri and Vered Shwartz


Empowering Air Travelers: A Chatbot for Canadian Air Passenger Rights

Maksym Taranukhin and Sahithya Ravi and Gabor Lukacs and Evangelos Milios and Vered Shwartz


Small But Funny: A Feedback-Driven Approach to Humor Distillation

Sahithya Ravi and Patrick Huber and Akshat Shrivastava and Aditya Sagar and Ahmed Aly and Vered Shwartz and Arash Einolghozati