David Fleet

Faculty Member

Faculty Member, Vector Institute

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto

Canada CIFAR Artificial Intelligence Chair

Lead, Toronto Brain Team, Google Research

David leads the Google Research Brain Team in Toronto, and is Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Toronto Scarborough. He joined the University of Toronto in October, 2003. Prior to that he worked in the Digital Video Analysis and Perceptual Document Analysis Groups at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) for 4 years. Before that, he was on faculty at Queen’s University in Kingston. He joined the Brain Team in 2020.

David served as Associate Editor (2000-2003) and then as Associate Editor-in-Chief (2004-2008) for IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). He also served as Program Co-Chair of IEEE CVPR (2003), ECCV (2014), and as Area Chair for numerous vision and learning conferences (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, NIPS, ICML). At present he serves on the Advisory Board for IEEE PAMI. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) and a Faculty Member of the Vector Institute.

David’s research interests include aspects of computer vision, visual neuroscience, machine learning and computational biology. These include mathematical foundations and algorithms for visual motion analysis, tracking, human post and motion estimation, models of motion perception, and stereopsis, learning latent variable models, large-scale similarity search, and multi-view reconstruction for cryo-EM. His research awards include the 2010 Koenderink Prize, the Sloan Research Fellowship, and best paper awards at ICCV, CVPR, UIST and BMVC.


  • Senior Fellow of the CIFAR program on Learning in Machines and Brains (2005-2019)
  • Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2006)
  • Koenderink Prize in Computer Vision (2010)
  • Program Co-Chair of IEEE CVPR (2003), ECCV (2014)
  • Associate Editor (2000-2003), Associate Editor-in-Chief (2004-2008) and Member of the Advisory Board (2009- ) for IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)


Image super-resolution via iterative refinement

Chitwan Saharia and Jonathan Ho and William Chan and Tim Salimans and David J Fleet and Mohammad Norouzi


Cascaded diffusion models for high fidelity image generation

Jonathan Ho and Chitwan Saharia and William Chan and David James Fleet and Mohammad Norouzi and Tim Salimans


Unsupervised part representation by Flow Capsules

Sara Sabour and Andrea Tagliasacchi and Soroosh Yazdani and Geoffrey E Hinton and David J Fleet


3D Flexible Refinement: Structure and motion of flexible proteins from cryo-EM

Ali Punjani and David J Fleet


Palette: Image-to-image diffusion models

Chitwan Saharia and William Chan and Huiwen Chang and Chris A Lee and Jonathan Ho and Tim Salimans and David J Fleet and Mohammad Norouzi


What makes RAFT better than PWC-Net?

Deqing Sun and Charles Herrmann and Fitsum Reda and Michael Rubinstein and David J Fleet and William T Freeman


Kubric: A scalable dataset generator

Klaus Greff and Francois Belletti and Lucas Beyer and Carl Doersch and Yilun Du and Daniel Duckworth and David J Fleet and Dan Gnanapragasam and Florian Golemo and Charles Herrmann and Thomas Kipf and Abhijit Kundu and Dmitry Lagun and Issam Laradji and Henning Meyer and Yishu Miao and Derek Nowrouzezahrai and Cengiz Oztireli and Etienne Pot and Noha Radwan and Daniel Rebain and Sara Sabour and Mehdi SM Sajjadi and Matan Sela and Vincent Sitzmann and Austin Stone and Deqing Sun and Suhani Vora and Ziyu Wang and Tianhao Wu and Kwang Moo Yi and Fangcheng Zhong and Andrea Tagliasacchi


Advances in modelling continuous heterogeneity from single particle cryo-EM data

Ali Punjani and David J Fleet