Recognized Ontario AI Master’s Programs

There are currently 28 master’s programs in Ontario recognized by the Vector Institute. These include new and expanded programs in core-technical and complementary areas such as business and health. Vector-affiliated students and alumni enjoy access to career development, networking events and resources.

Gaining program recognition

Benefits & Resources:

Vector Recognized AI Master’s Programs

Carleton University

Lakehead University

Ontario Tech University

Queen’s University

Smith School of Business – Queen’s University

Toronto Metropolitan University

University of Guelph

University of Ottawa

University of Toronto

Rotman School of Management – University of Toronto

University of Waterloo

University of Windsor

Western University

Lazaridis School of Business – Wilfrid Laurier University

York University

Schulich School of Business

The Vector Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence, together with internships and networking programs, are a core component of the Vector Institute’s RAISE initiative, supported by the Province of Ontario, to develop and connect Ontario’s AI workforce to fuel AI-based economic development and job creation.